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為了提供您最佳的服務,本網站會在您的電腦中放置並取用我們的Cookie,若您不願接受Cookie的寫入,您可在您使用的瀏覽器功能項中設定隱私權等級為高,即可拒絕Cookie的寫入,但可能會導至網站某些功能無法正常執行 。





Privacy Policy

We understand that you are very concerned about the usage and sharing of your personal information. And we are very appreciated your belief on our prudence and sensitivity handling this issue. This declaration will specify our policy regarding the protection of your privacy. Our website is under the operation of Nice & Perfect House Company.

If you have visited our website, that will be considered to be your acceptance to this privacy policy.

Automatically collected information
Whenever you interact with us, we will receive and deposit the given information.
For example, like many other sites, we use “cookies”.
When your internet browser visits www.niceperfecthouse.com, we will collect some information. (please refer to the sample of information collecting process stated at the end of this policy)
Many companies provide you with the technology that can help you to visit the website anonymously. Although under this condition we can’t offer you the individualized experience on our website as your ID is unidentified, we still like to remind you of the existence of these technologies.

E-mail Correspondence
To help us making the email more useful and interesting, when you open the email from www.niceperfecthouse.com, we will often receive a mail confirming you having read the delivered email. If your computer support this function. we will also make the comparison between our customer list and other companies in order to avoid the junk messages.
The information from other resources:
We may collect your information for other resources and add it into our customer database (please refer to the sample of information collecting process stated at the end of this policy)

Cookies can be defined as a kind of discriminating symbols consisting of letters and numbers read-in your computer hard disc by us through your internet browser so that our system will identify your browser during your visit and display the characteristics and quantity of items in your shopping cart.
The help function of tool bar on your browser will tell you how to prevent the browser from installing new cookies and inform you when the browser installing a new cookie or shut down the cookies totally.
Besides, you can close or cancel the alike data of browser add-ons like Flash cookies by changing its setting or visiting other manufactures’ websites.
However, cookies can help you to make most use of the best special services from www.wellqhome.com, so we recommend you to set up an open status for this program.

The Information from Other Resources
The examples of the information we get from other resources containing the depatching and address information we get from our forwarder or other third party, which can correct our record and make it easy to deliver your next order and contact you..
Account information, purchasing or returning information, searching keywords and results given by our affiliated enterprises’ service, page browsing information gotten from our cooperative enterprises, searching result and links, including not-for-free searching list.
The information you can get easily from www.niceperfecthouse.com containing the latest order information, identifiable personal information (including name, email address, password, directory inquiries etc.), payment settings (including credit card details) and so on.